Free Condolence Letters
Letter Offering Condolences Condolence Letter

Dear {Recipient},

Please allow me to express my condolences over the passing of {the deceased}. One always struggles to find the right words to say in situations like these, and I'm afraid I'm no exception to that rule.

All I can offer is my sympathy and my help. I know that losing {the deceased} has been difficult for you and your family, so please lay some of the burden on your friends and family members. We are here to help. {The deceased} was a big personality, always involved in {things the deceased liked to do} and giving back to the world with {his/her} enthusiasm and commitment. I can't promise to be able to do all that {he/she} did, but I can try. Perhaps that can give your family just a little bit of peace.

If there is anything else you can think of that you might need, like a babysitter or a ride somewhere, just pick up the phone and call.

Best wishes,


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