Free Condolence Letters
Eulogy for a Husband Condolence Letter

I would like to start by saying how much I appreciate your presence here today. I know that many of you were great friends of my husband, and many more of you were family. We all lost someone dear to us, and though I was his wife, I am not the only person who is suffering this loss deeply.

My husband was always such a {funny/serious/sarcastic/etc.} man, sometimes to the point of exasperating me. Does anyone else remember how he used to {habit relating to the above characteristic}? I never knew anyone else who did that.

Of course, he also had a {funny/serious/sarcastic/etc.} side. I remember when he {story relating to this characteristic}. That was one of the best days of our life together.

Even so, the best thing about having {the deceased} for a husband was {share a favorite memory}. I will miss his {personality traits} for the rest of my life. I can only hope that he is at peace now.

Thank you again for coming to celebrate his life with me today. I know he would be pleased to see so many friends here today. I hope that my husband will live on in your thoughts, in your memories, and in your conversations for many years to come. He would want to be remembered happily by you, as he will be by me.

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